Terms of Use

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Unless otherwise stated, the copyright of all contents of this website belongs to Chenxi. No part of this website may be reproduced, distributed, photocopied, displayed, linked, or transmitted by any other person without the written permission of Chenxi or any other copyrighted third party, uploaded to other servers by way of hyperlinks , Remain in the information retrieval system, or download or copy for any commercial purpose. If you download or copy the content of this website for non-commercial purposes, you should not modify any content during its use, and you should retain the content and form of the copyright statement or other ownership statement contained in the original.

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Unless otherwise stated, all trademarks, logos, logos, or other marks displayed, referred to or otherwise used on this site belong to Chenxi. The above trademarks and logos may not be used in any way without the written permission of Chenxi or a trademark licensed by third parties.


This site is for content use only and is provided for your convenience. Chenxi strives to provide accurate information without liability for the accuracy of the information. Chenxi reserves the right to modify the contents or the product information without notice.

All content on this site is provided in good faith and Chenxi makes no representations or warranties with respect to the content of this site and Mackblock specifically disclaims any warranty or commitment whatsoever of the content of this site to the fullest extent permitted by law, Express or implied, including the description of the product’s performance, suitability, and legitimacy.

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For your convenience, this website may contain links to third party websites, and Chenxi is not responsible for any content on third party websites. When using third-party websites, you may need to review and accept its terms of use. In addition, third party links do not imply that Chenxi endorses any product or service on the website.

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